The Diavorce Solutionist

Trial Preparation Workshop

This workshop is specifically geared towards helping self-representing litigants level the playing field in Family Court trials/hearings. Pro se litigants have an increased likelihood of “losing” their case when they go to trial vs. an attorney. Even in cases where both parties are pro se, there are some specific areas of the process that often gets overlooked or misapplied. The laws are not extremely hard to understand and to apply, but it’s entirely different with respect to court procedure.  It is court procedure, specifically not knowing, not understanding and/or the misapplication of court procedural rules that often gets pro se litigants jammed up. This workshop was created with this in mind. In addition, trial tactics, techniques and tricks are extremely critical to getting the results you want out of your trial. 
The workshop is interactive, you will be given several worksheets to review prior to the workshop, so that you can get the most out of the tons of information provided. It usually runs about 2.5-3 hours. Seats are limited to 6 people so that you can get the direct attention you need for your case. Although it is ideal to participate in this workshop at least 60 days before any scheduled trials/hearings, it can be helpful no matter when you participate. 

You will get the following worksheets as part of the workshop:

  1. Pretrial Conference Readiness Checklist           REDO
  2. Should I Settle or Go to Trial           DO
  3. Pretrial Memo Checklist & Worksheet           DO
  4. Exhibit List Worksheet           DO
  5. Witness List Worksheet
  6. Case Theory Worksheet
  7. Witness Analysis & Order to Call Worksheet           DO
  8. Evidence Analysis Worksheet
  9. Objections Worksheet           DO
  10. Hearsay Worksheet           DO
  11. Options for Evidence Worksheet           DO
  12. Discovery audit
  13. Discovery Compliance worksheet           DO
  14. Discovery Request worksheet           DO
  15. Discovery Response worksheet           DO
  16. Pretrial Motions worksheet           DO
  17. Subpoena worksheet           DO
  18. 90, 60 & 30 DAY checklist
  19. Analysis of Case worksheet           DO
  20. Ordering & Analyzing Transcripts           DO
  21. Gathering Evidence by other means Checklist & worksheet           DO
  22. Financial Affidavit checklist
  23. Direct Examination script & questions worksheet           DO
  24. Cross Exam           DO
  25. Persuasive Storytelling (Narrative)           DO
  26. Party as Witness Script & worksheet           DO
  27. Expert Witness Checklist
  28. Custody Evaluator Review Checklist
  29. Children as Witness Checklist
  30. Evidence Relevance & Material worksheet
  31. Memorandum of Law worksheet
  32. Opening Statement worksheet
  33. Closing Statement worksheet
  34. Scripts


NOTE: If you are unable to join the workshop LIVE, you can join a prescheduled Live Q&A AFTER you watch the recording. This will give you a chance to discuss any questions you might have regarding the content, the worksheets, etc.

In this workshop, we will go over the following: