The Diavorce Solutionist

Family Court Consulting

Too busy to learn the confusing process or to catch all the critical details on your own,
but don't want to risk it all? Don't trust your lawyer to help?
Then try one of our consulting packages. You will certainly increase your chances of "winning" with our help!


Family Court Consulting is our unique service aimed specifically towards providing the most 1:1 support for pro se litigants.  We help with EVERY SINGLE aspect of your case so that you don’t have to worry about anything….well almost EVERYTHING. We help you come up with a strategy for your case; we help with your research; we prepare documents*; we review documents*; we file documents on your behalf; help you find the right fit if you need an attorney; help you with locating addresses; and so much more.   We serve as your  “second set of eyes and ears” so to speak. 

Family Court Consulting is for anyone who is tired of being ripped off by incompetent attorneys, or who is sick of being defeated by the other party or over the angst Family Court causes.  Although the service created around serving the self-represented, we understand that anyone can certainly benefit from having a Family Court strategist consulting you.  It doesn’t matter which stage the case is in whether it’s a high-conflict divorce, a contested custody, or has unique issues Family Court consulting can only increase your chances of getting the best outcome for you. 

We DO NOT replace your attorney, we just help you position your case best with or without an attorney.  We have an initial Intake meeting to get the full details of your case and background, review all your relevant documents, check your court’s portal (where applicable) for status; and then we get started.  We start out by developing a thorough Strategic Action Plan (Casemap) to help you get a detailed overview of your case.  Then we set up a weekly meeting schedule where we will discuss the status, updates, concerns, etc. related to your case.  In between meetings, you will access to your client portal where you can communicate with us, check for notes, keep notes, access learning materials. etc.  We meet virtually, via Zoom, (or if you prefer by phone).  

NOTE: Although the Unbundled Services are included in the package, there is a limit to the number of services based on the package you choose. 

You can NOT nor should NOT go it alone. At some point, you need help in your self-represented divorce or custody case.  Too many times Family Court litigants have way more questions than answers but have no one to ask in real time. Especially right before an emergency motion, or hearing or trial. Not to mention, the lawyer will focus on the law, the therapist will focus on the emotional/mental, no one helps you to focus on the practical, logical or the strategic. That’s where we come in. We offer a different perspective on EVERY aspect of your case, from angles that you or your lawyer hasn’t considered, I guarantee you that.  


consulting/ coaching packages

Ideal for the self-represented but beneficial to those who have a lawyer too. 

Most people of Family Court are on their second, third or tenth round of motions or petitions.  Self-represented or lawyer-represented, you are sure to have way more questions that need immediate answers than you can imagine.  Don’t take any chances this time around, have someone who will work on creating a solid Gameplan AND executing that Gameplan to ensure you get the outcome you can live with.


Monthly packages is intended to provided more consistent and structured support so that a solid rapport can be established. 


The monthly packages includes:

NOTE: Our Trial Prep or Evidence Organization service, or any Unbundled Services not listed, are NOT covered.  These are separate services.

Can't afford to pay all at once?

Pay in four (4) installments.

Start TODAY with 1:1 package to help you get more "wins".