The Diavorce Solutionist

Family Court Consulting (Strategy Work)

Family Court is ripping your life to shreds and it seems that no one can really help you.

Pro Se Custody

Family Court is a nightmare for most of the people unlucky enough to have to deal with it. 

The emotional, mental, financial and personal toll it takes on anyone going through a divorce or custody battle is immeasurable. But that’s just part of what causes the trauma, the Family Court process itself adds a whole other level of unimaginable stress that makes things even worse. Between the dysfunctional court system, chaotic court procedures, corrupt & biased judges and unethical lawyers, it’s no wonder undeserving people like you are losing it all. 


Family Court will have you experience emotions that you never thought you were capable of.  You are most likely dealing with:

  • Being terrified that your controlling, manipulative and abusive ex might convince the judge to give them everything they are requesting;
  • Constantly being worried about your children’s wellbeing because no one seems to be listening to your concerns;
  • Repeatedly being disappointed by the judge because they don’t care about getting to the truth;
  • Getting angry because the other party keeps breaking court orders with no consequences from the judge;
  • Being frustrated because your case is dragging on and on with no end in sight;
  • Dealing with anxiety thinking about your financial situation because you have exhausted all of your resources trying to get justice;
  • Feeling hopeless because everything you tried so far doesn’t seem to be working;
  • Feeling like a failure because you can’t protect your children or your assets.

💎Here's what you need to know:

People tend to believe that they must run to hire an attorney to represent them in their divorce or custody case. 

But what often happens is that they soon realize, after spending tens of thousands in legal fees, that having a lawyer does not guarantee that you will being treated fairly or that you will get the specific outcome you want. In fact, in most cases, having a lawyer can make things worse leaving people like you very disappointed with the entire process.

With Family Court Consulting you don’t have to deal with lawyers who don’t have your best interest at heart (unless you want to). You can still get the outcome you want if you know exactly what you need to do. 

Once you decide that self-representation is the right choice for you (I help you make that decision) I help guide you, assist you and support every step of the way. I have been in family law for decades so I understand everything you’re up against. I use everything I know (as a lawyer) about the “truth” of Family Court to help you avoid the common mistakes people in your situation often make. 

I don’t represent you, I empower you to represent YOURSELF.  Or, if you have a lawyer I can ensure that your interests are not overlooked. 

No other lawyer will share what they know with you because it wouldn’t benefit their pockets. But I do, I share the court’s hidden agenda, the lawyers’ underhanded tricks, the judge’s “real” motives and whatever else it takes to give you a leg up in your case. I help you present your case to Family Court the way a lawyer SHOULD, that is having your concerns as the major focus. 

NOTE: I do work with litigants who are lawyer represented but would like a second set of eyes and ears to ensure that they’re providing the best representation. 

Family Court Consulting is for anyone who is tired of the frustration, the disappointment, the disgust of dealing with a system that doesn’t seem to care about fairness or justice for families. It doesn’t matter what stage your case is in, whether you are pro se or lawyer-represented, if your case is low-medium-high conflict, I can help you increase your chances of success in your case. 

You might be dealing with a narcissistic ex, an abusive soon-to-be-ex, a biased judge, an incompetent GAL, a partial forensics psychologist and/or an incompetent attorney, no matter what the issues are I can help you make sense of it all and come with a solid plan for dealing with each one of them.

If you are within the USA, I can work you finally get the help you need. 

I DO NOT replace your attorney nor do try to convince you that my help can help you become equal to one. I look at every detail of your case through a lawyer’s lens but with a “twist”.  The “twist” is that I use lawyer’s eyes to explain things to you but in non-lawyer language, while at the same time, adding a view from from YOUR judge’s perspective. 

This is GAME CHANGING! Not only will you learn how to see your case from a legal perspective, you will also learn to see it exactly the way your judge does. This allows you to make a much stronger and more focused presentation of it in court. 

This is what has been missing all this time, you had no idea what YOUR JUDGE wants so you were flying blindly. It’s not just you though so don’t worry, that’s what most people do in Family Court. But now using my approach, you FINALLY have a REAL fighting chance.

It doesn’t matter what the issues are in your case, or the stage of your case, we can work together on finally making some headway in getting your desired results in court. (At any point we believe you or your case would do better with a lawyer representing you, we will help facilitate that change.) 

We will discuss the background of your situation (in our weekly Zoom meetings), the facts of your case, your past court interactions, lawyers involvement, your specific judge’s background and anything else that creates a complete picture of your case.  A picture that gets real about the challenges you will have to overcome and ways to do that.

I will:

  • review your court documents,
  • obtain relevant records,
  • conduct legal research,
  • look up your judge,
  • do a background check on the court appointed professionals,

and anything else necessary to assess your current case. I will use my proven method (A.D.V.O.C.A.T.E.™) to come up with a Gameplan that you can implement every step along the way. This Gameplan will ensure that your concerns are addressed without being slammed by the challenges you had to deal with.  

BTW, I AM a lawyer, just NOT YOUR LAWYER. 😉

You might want to self-represent or you might find that having a lawyer is best, that is entirely your choice.  My only concern is that you do what you need to to finally break ground in your case. Some people feel like having an attorney is best for them because they don’t do well speaking up for themselves, while others feel like the issues are too complex to deal with on their own. 

Either way, I encourage you to decide what is best for you knowing all available options. 

Working with me doesn’t take anything away from your lawyer, it supplements it.  

I have decades of experience as a lawyer so having me on board is like having an extra layer of representation (although I can’t go to court with you). 

Lawyers don’t always agree on how to handle family law cases, so having different perspectives can significantly help keep you fully informed of the details of your case. Not to mention, lawyers tend to “slip” in the level of service they provide which can lead to losing some battles in the Family Court war.  

If you would rather work with me instead of hiring a lawyer, then you get the benefit of having more control over your case. You know your case, your concerns and your issues more than anyone else so it’s understandable that you would want to be the one advocating it.

Lawyers will focus on the law and therapists will focus on the emotional/mental, but there’s no one helps you to focus on the practical, logical or the strategic. That’s where I come in at, I make all of these aspects part of your Gameplan. 

Lawyers average $350-600/hr, which can run up your invoice very quick in family law. The depth of your bank account often determines the level of attention you get from an attorney. I don’t have the same incentive. 

My service costs a fraction of what you would pay an attorney to represent you. AND, you don’t have to deal with all of the “extras” that typically comes along with having a lawyer represent you.  

NOTE: I do NOT offer legal advice. 

To learn about me, Tracey Bee click /Https://

I spent most of my lawyer career doing just enough to get through each case so that I can move onto the next one. I seldom had the time to adequately focus on every single case the way I should have. But once I stopped taking cases, I was able to spend more time on developing a method that would help people hone in on exactly what it would take to get more of the results they wanted.  

I spend the last few years crafting and tweaking a method that I came up with after much reflection on my years as a family law attorney. This method, is my proven A.D.V.O.C.A.T.E.™ Method which is the process I use with almost everyone I have worked with since becoming a Family Court Strategist™. 

However, because the process is based on us building trust, on your cooperation, and on our extensive assessment of your ENTIRE situation, it is nearly impossible to effectively implement the method when our time together is brief (the longer the duration of our working relationship, the more aligned our process results will be.)

Find out more about the A.D.V.O.C.A.T.E.™ method here

Learn all about me, Tracey Bee here.


Ready to work with me & shake things up in your case?

You have the option to Choose How Long!

We can work together for 1, 3 0r 6 months, you get to decide. Let's get started TODAY. 

The Consultation Package will help you:
The Package includes:
Family Court Consulting

THREE (3) Packages to choose from:

Need help preparing for your upcoming Family Court hearing or trial? 

You don’t need 1:1 Consulting, you need more in-depth help preparing your case for the inevitable overwhelm of a Family Court trial. 

We are the ONLY service in the USA offering 1:1 trial preparation support for self-represented Family Court litigants. And, and, …we have helped several litigants “win” their pro se trial.  We are able to do this because we have an experienced trial preparation team that will make your Family Court trial experience bearable creating the confidence you need to “win”. 

For more information, click here.

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The Diavorce Solutionist

Work with an experienced family law professional that can get you the results you want. With a unique method of focusing on Strategy, not just law, you will get the guidance, support and information that will help you navigate the process successfully. Don’t waste another dime or minute on doing things the way you have been.


Copyright © 2023 The Divorce Solutionist.


We can't help you become a lawyer but we can help you ADVOCATE in Family Court.


Assess your situation


Decide your goals


Value your position


Other Party's turn


Consider all possible outcomes


Allocate Resources


Tack it all Together


Execute your Plan
Proven Results

Having a solid Gameplan is the key to beating the Family Court system!

Let's us help you create one!