The Diavorce Solutionist

Rates & Fees

Affordable Rates, Professional Work.
Something for every budget.
Do it Yourself & Pro Se Family Court Services

Document Preparation (with edits)*:

Original Petitions/Complaints 

Petitions for:

Custody or Visitation; Child Support, Name Change; Modification; Relocation; etc.

 $199 and up

Ex Parte/Contempt/

Reargue Motions 


Motions for: 

Contempt; Ex parte; Change of Venue; Dismissal; Recusal; Renewal/Reargue, etc.

$299 and up




Discovery Demands; Discovery Responses; Objections to Discovery; Motion to Compel, Interrogatories, etc.

$299 and up



Letters; Responses to Petitions, Complaints, or Motions; Affidavits or Affirmations; Financial Forms; Court Forms, etc.

$99 and up

Reports & Analysis

Summary of Transcripts, Reports, Depositions, Subpoenas, etc.

$199 and up


If you don’t see it please contact for a quote on the service you need.

$199 and up

Trial Memo

Trial preparation memo with exhibits, witness list, etc. based on issues in case.

$399 and up

Prenuptial/Settlement Agreements

Prenuptial, Antenuptial or Post-nuptial Agreements, Marital Settlement Agreements, Property Settlement Agreements, Custody Settlement Agreements, etc.

$299 and up

Financial Disclosure/Affidavit

Financial affidavits for custody, child support or divorce.

$149 and up

Separation Agreements

Legal Separation Agreements or Marital Settlement Agreements

$249 and up

Qualified Domestic Relations Order (QDRO)

Formal Petition/Order to receive retirement benefits.

$499 and up

Uncontested Divorce (Do it Yourself

Petition, Financial Affidavit, complaint, Child Support Worksheet, all forms necessary for Uncontested Divorce.

$699 and up

Document Preparing

Document Review (with suggested edits):

Original Petitions/Complaints ($149 and up)

Petitions for: Custody or Visitation, Child Support, Name Change, Divorce, etc.

Modification/Contempt/Relocation Petitions ($299 and up):

Petitions for: Modification of Custody/Visitation;  Child Support Modification, Relocation or Enforcement, etc.

Motions/Emergency Motions ($299 and up):

Emergency Motions (Ex Parte) or Petitions for custody or visitation modification, child support modification, contempt petitions, relocation petitions, etc.

Responses/Answers ($199 and up):

Responses to Petitions, Complaints, Motions, Show Cause, etc.

Interrogatories ($199 and up):

Responses to or Demands for Interrogatories

Trial Memo ($299 and up):

Trial preparation memo with exhibits, witness list, etc. based on issues in case.

Prenuptial/Settlement Agreements ($299 and up):

Prenuptial, Antenuptial or Post-nuptial Agreements, Marital Settlement Agreements, Property Settlement Agreements, Custody Settlement Agreements, etc.

Financial Disclosure/Affidavit ($199 and up):

Financial affidavits for custody, child support or divorce.

Separation Agreements ($199 and up):

Legal Separation Agreements.

Subpoena ($149):

Subpoena for financial records, business records, medical records, etc.

Correspondence ($99):

Demand, Attorney Request for Refund, Follow Up letters, emails, etc.

Qualified Domestic Relations Order (QDRO) ($499):

Formal Petition/Order to receive retirement benefits.

**RUSH SERVICE AVAILABLE FOR AN ADDITIONAL $100 or more, depending on document.

We have paralegals throughout the states to help us ensure that we meet your court’s rules & laws. 


Caselaw Research ($299):

find cases to support your position/argument, to prepare motions, to convince the judge, etc.

Background or Asset/Financial Search ($99 and up):

locate parties, find personal information, etc.; find hidden assets & finances and more.

Attorney Search & Screening ($299):

 help finding a competent attorney, screening them, etc..

Judge Lookup ($199 and up):

find out how your judge has ruled in cases similar to yours, their background, etc.

Process Server ($199 and up):

have parties served within the US, with petitions, motions, etc.

Uncontested Divorce (NY or NJ) ($699+ plus rates & fees):

all steps of Uncontested Divorce completed for you.

Pro Se Trial Preparation ($2,495 and up) or Evidence Organization ($999 and up): 

if your case is going to trial and you need help preparing by: going through your Discovery, understanding your issues, organizing your Evidence, creating your Witness list & their questions, preparing your Opening Statement & Closing Statement, understanding the rules of evidence, coming up with Cross-Examination questions, and so much more, this is the service you need. We will review every single document, product, etc. to ensure that you are prepared to go to trial all on your own. If you need coaching throughout the trial process, you can add on one of the Coaching packages to help with the practical parts.

Coaching & Consulting

                               Monthly Packages:

1-month: $1,495

Includes: Unlimited  advice via email, weekly 1/2-hour phone/video calls (up to 4), Document Review, Document Preparation; Legal Research; Judge lookup; automatic post approval in private FB group, access to platform with guides, forms, etc. and access to Live workshops.

3-months: $3,995

Includes:  EVERYTHING IN 1-Month PLUS DISCOUNTED, 12 meetings, VIP add-on available and access to Referral Directory.

6-months: $7,995:

Includes: EVERYTHING IN 3-Month PLUS Free gift and guest on Podcast.

NOTE: The Consultation packages do NOT cover Trial Prep, this is a different and separate service. 

We accept Afterpay for services over $495. 

Family Court Consulting

How the Process Works:

*If you need to have the document FILED in court, ask about having this service added when you complete the Initial order form. Additional service and filing rates & fees required.

**RUSH SERVICE AVAILABLE FOR AN ADDITIONAL $100 or more, depending on document.

NOTE: We have professionals on our team to ensure that your service meets all standards & requirements for your court.