Judge Lookup

You absolutely need to know who your judge is if you want a fighting chance at getting the results you want in your divorce or custody case. Knowing the law and court procedure is not enough. You need to know who your judge is, where they get their ideology from and why they rule they way they do. Family Court judges have the widest level of discretion in the industry. This can be problematic for you as a self-represented litigant. We can help with that!

You need to know when to submit your motion to change custody, or when to file for emergency custody, or if you should relocation or how to propose the right visitation schedule….all of these things are a toss up if you don’t know how your judge is likely to rule on these.

Judge Lookup searches for the judge’s affiliations/associations; their particular way of analyzing the law; their way of applying court procedure and their underlying principles in making decisions in similar cases.  You need this more than you need to know the law.

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