Our Unbundled Services
Do you need help with specific tasks in your Do it Yourself, self -represented or pro se divorce or custody case? Check out our Unbundled Services to choose which specific item(s) we can help you with.
Our Unbundled Services are the perfect option for your case if you only need help with a specific task or part of your Family Court case. Ideal for the self-represented or pro se Family Court litigant, you can also use Unbundled Services if you have a lawyer or while you’re shopping around for one.
These options are ideal if you need help with:
- Drafting a Document
- Reviewing a Document
- Researching Laws/Caselaw/Court Rules
- Looking Up a Judge
- Locating Financial Assets
- Background Searches
- Trial/Hearing Preparation or Evidence Organization
- Creating a Strategic Plan, Best Interests Analysis
- Process Servers, Etc.
Under what circumstances
would I need Unbundled Services?
If you are self-represented or pro se in Family Court, in between attorneys, or have little time to find an attorney, you might need help RIGHT NOW with certain parts of your divorce or custody case. Going through Family Court is emotional and add the confusion of how to file things, what to file and when to file them only makes it worse. And, it helps to keep legal costs down tremendously if you pay for these things as you go as opposed to trying to come up $5-10,000 for just an initial deposit for a lawyer to do them.
Scenario #1:
You were served with a document and you need to respond fast but don't know how.
Scenario #2:
You are concerned about your child's safety so you need to go file a motion.
Scenario #3:
You have a hearing scheduled and you need to subpoena records.
Scenario #4:
You are going to mediation and you need a parenting plan to present to the other party.
Preparing or Reviewing documents

We will look over your court documents (we also have qualified professionals on our team) and prepare your documents to make sure your they meet your state’s rules.
Rates start at $199.
We Review & Draft documents such as:
- Petitions or complaints
- Responses or answers
- Modification, relocation or contempt motions
- Discovery requests and responses
- Motions
- Correspondence
- Trial memos and much more
Preparing or Reviewing documents

We will look over your court documents (we also have qualified professionals on our team) and prepare your documents to make sure your they meet your state’s rules.
Rates start at $199.
We Review & Draft documents such as:
- Petitions or complaints
- Responses or answers
- Modification, relocation or contempt motions
- Discovery requests and responses
- Motions
- Correspondence
- Trial memos and much more
Private Investigators

We provide professional-level Personal Background and Financial/Asset searches. Our contractors are licensed private investigators and will provide an in-depth investigation to prepare you for custody or divorce trial, mediation or settlement. If you suspect that your ex or soon to be ex is withholding important information or hiding assets, our experienced asset and background search will help you find that information or assets.
Rates start at $99.
Legal Research & Judge Background Search

You might be at the stage of your case where you need to know if there are cases that support your specific request for a change in custody, or need the judge to understand parental alienation or need to know specific court rules that apply to your case. Caselaw is extremely important when your case has a weakness that you want to strengthen, or when your case has a unique issue that you want the judge to have more understanding on or when there is a dispute about a specific court procedure. Or you might need to verify a position the other party is taking that might be disputed by a case that addressed that issue.
We can conduct legal research for you to help you bolster your position to increase your chances of getting the outcome you want.
Our Legal Research and Judge Background Searches will equip you to prepare an effective claim or defense in your divorce or custody case.
Rates start at $299.
Legal Research
Legal research is a critical part of any case, but especially cases that are high conflict. Cases with highly sensitive issues, like parental alienation, interstate case and change in custody cases can usually be better prepared if you can find supporting case law to back your position. We also look up court procedure rules to help you navigate the complexities of Family Court.
Judge Background Searches
It is crucial that you research your judge’s previous decisions and other public opinions to have insight on how he or she would rule on important issues. Depending on your state, we can conduct a thorough background search of your judge.

We will use our expertise and help you to find the best attorney or expert for your case. Attorneys are not one size fits all, they have specialties, personalities, habits, talents/skills, etc. that all affect how they handle your case. You wouldn’t trust just any doctor to treat your sensitive issues so why should you trust any attorney to handle your case.
Similarly, finding an expert to testify in your highly sensitive case or on extremely nuanced issues requires precision when choosing which one will support your cause.
You need to find the best attorney or expert to fit your case issues AND the one that best complements you way of dealing with conflict, handling emotions and understanding complex situations. This requires time and effort.
We will actually reach out to the attorneys or experts on your behalf as well if you need us to.
Rates start at $299.
Uncontested Divorce

Divorces can be an emotional and overwhelming process, but you and the other party can resolve all of the issues on your own. This is an Uncontested Divorce, which provides you with an affordable alternative way to get divorced without incurring excessive lawyer fees and unnecessary wastes of time. Upon signing up with us, you will find us working closely with you to prepare the necessary documents quickly and efficiently and give you the specific instructions on how to file the forms in your state.
All issues must be agreed upon to be eligible for Uncontested Divorce but if there are no such agreements, we can help negotiate terms of any part of your divorce with our coaching or consulting services. Uncontested Divorce can save time and money through streamlined court procedures.
Rates start at $695 PLUS fees.
For more information on how it works visit here.
Best Interests of the Child Factors Analysis
The Best Interests of the Child Factors Analysis takes an in-depth look at all the facts of your case, and the factors of your particular jurisdiction to come up with an assessment to strengthen your argument for or against child custody. This covers custody, Modification and/or Relocation.
Here are some important things to keep in mind when facing a custody case:
- Most states have an average of 10-20 factors that the court must examine when it makes a determination about custody, relocation, modification and/or contempt.
- There is no one size fits all when it comes to custody cases.
- It is important to have a clear understanding of how the facts of your case measure up to the factors the court must refer to.
You can use this report to help you strategize your custody, modification or relocation petitions or motions for the most successful outcome. It will help you understand the factors, the strengths & weaknesses of your case while having an understanding of the best way to present it to the court.
Rates start $399.
Our Strategic Action Plan
Our Strategic Action Plan (Casemap) is our personalized, comprehensive full out report that will provide everything you need to present your case. This Casemap is the ultimate tool for any pro se family law individual who does not want to leave space for any unwanted possibilities.
This report will include a very thorough analysis of all the relevant issues in your case, generated upon:
- Reviewing all relevant documents
- Conducting extensive caselaw research
- Citing all pertinent laws, statutes, etc.
- Verifying court status
- Looking up assigned judge and their background, years of practice & previous decisions
- Reviewing background of other appointed professionals in the case; and more.
All of this information is used to analyze your case’s strengths & weaknesses; to develop a strategic plan for your case and to help you prepare for what’s to come. This report is extremely helpful, it’s like having an attorney in your back pocket. You can turn the tide of the case in your favour using this extremely helpful tool.
Rates start at $995.
NOTE: This report is for general purposes only and not to be construed as legal advice.
Pro Se Trial Folder/Notebook
This is an extremely valuable resource for the pro se in Family Court or self-represented litigant whose family law case is going to trial for divorce, custody, Contempt or Modification/Relocation.
Trial preparation is very important and can be quite overwhelming, even for the most experienced attorneys. Our Trial Folder service is designed to help you put together every part of your trial folder-Witness Lists, Exhibits List, Statements, Motions, Research and more. It is to help you prepare, present and position your case to convince the judge to rule in your favor. This includes:
- A personalized Opening Statement
- A suggested Witness List
- All Exhibits
- The pertinent laws/statutes
- The opposition’s case
- Closing Statement and so much more.
You are at a significant disadvantage if you go to trial, especially against an attorney, without this extremely helpful resource. We recommend you obtain this great DIY tool for hearing/trial.
Rates start at $995.
Process Server

Our experienced Process Servers in NY & NJ serves any party located within these jurisdictions. They will provide proof of service pursuant to the laws of your state.
Need More than just Unbundled Services?
Sometimes, task-related services are insufficient when you are heading to Family Court. This is especially true if you are pro se or self-represented.
We invite you to explore our Coaching and Consulting Services. If you require 1 on 1 practical, technical and legal support for every step along the way, we have got the ultimate package for you.
We have customized options for Coaching or Consulting!
- If you are represented by an attorney, you can try our services on a one time, hourly basis.
- If you are pro se or self-represented you can opt for support on a continual basis. We have monthly packages for you to choose from.
Both options come with phone and/or video support, case strategy assessments, updates & check-ins and so much more.
If none of these options suit you, take advantage of the Group Programs/Membership if you require support in a community setting.
DISCOUNTED RATES ON UNBUNDLED SERVICES are available for those who opt for Coaching or Consulting Services.
Learn more about Coaching or Consulting NOW!
Family Court Forms & Templates
If you are unable to locate specific Family Law or Family Court forms for your specific case in any of the fifty (50) states, we can provide it for you. Most forms are already pre-printed for you to fill in with your facts. But we can customize a specific form for you as well.
Please go here to order the form you need.
Rates start at $29.