The Diavorce Solutionist

Handle your OWN Family Court case like a lawyer by learning FROM A LAWYER, exactly what it takes to get the outcome you want.



We understand the unfairness, the disappointment and the mistreatment you have to endure in Family Court! We want to help you eliminate this. Let us teach you what we know works. 

Don't know if you can handle your Family Court Case on your own?

Being pro se or handling your divorce or custody case on your own is NOT for everyone. Click HERE to take the FREE QUIZ to see if your case qualifies.

Who We Help:

🎆Lives changed with our help!🙌🏽
How we help:

Click the Heading ⬇️ for the service you're interested.

1 on 1 Coaching & Consulting

Our 1 on 1 monthly (1, 3 or 6 months) consulting and coaching packages are ideal for you if you:
✔️ are just getting started pro se; ✔️ are trying to settle or mediate; ✔️ are currently in the Family Court; ✔️ are finished with court but need to go back.

Family Court Trial Preparation

Our Family Court Trial Prep services is the only one of its kind. Although we can't give you legal advice, we can help you organize your case for trial. If you are pro se or represented, let us help you focus on the practical. Your trial preparation requires the attention we provide.

➡️Find out what’s included and the prices for each service on the individual page.

Hello, I'm Tracey Bee

I am a Family Court Strategist™, former family law attorney with 20+ years in family law. After spending years handling all types of family law cases I realized that my skills can better serve people like by working on strategy.

Strategy allows me to assess EVERYTHING about you that has an impact on your case. I not only share with you everything I know as a lawyer, which included things no other lawyer would ever share, I use my exceptional critical thinking skills to help you be more successful in your divorce or custody case.

What Past Client's Have to Say

One thing I teach my client is to question EVERYTHING, or most things. So don’t take my word for how my unique methods help so many people like  you. Read for yourself. 

Kevin H.
Kevin H.
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"I would not have been able to get through this corrupt system without Tracey's help. The lies, deceit, manipulation are things I'm used to but her help definitely got me through it."
Anthony U.
Anthony U.
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"...You truly are doing the Lord's work..."
Cassandra J.
Cassandra J.
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"I went to court seeking sole custody and everybody told me it wouldn't happen. I took what I learned from Tracey B. and got it. I got sole custody."