The Diavorce Solutionist

Handle your OWN Family Court case like a lawyer by learning from a lawyer, exactly what it takes to get the outcome you want.

The key to successfully presenting your case in Family Court is knowing the ugly truth about the who, the what and the how. Flying blind in Family Court has cost many litigants their life savings, their peace of mind and their children, amongst other important things. You can’t afford to make the same costly mistakes that most litigants make. NO ONE in Family Court cares what happens to you or your children, you are on your own. Not anymore, though, I will share all of the inside information I know so that you don’t lose it all. 


self-represented in family court

Don't be the next victim of the Family Court sytem.

They say no one “wins” in FC except the lawyers (only somewhat true, because lost a few in my day). What they often fail to mention though is that no one loses more than YOUR CHILDREN in Family Court. No doubt the losses to you are endless, but the one that’s hardest to come back from is the emotional and psychological damage done to your children from being subjected to FC trauma. You don’t want to take any chances with your most prized possession, they’re counting on YOU to protect them. 
What exactly do you lose in FC?
I knew you would ask. Here’s a short list:
Your ability to make decisions about what’s best for your child – the court takes over that role.
Your freedom to decide which services, if any, your family needs – the court dictates that.
The opportunity to decide which issues are most important for the court to address – the lawyers and judges have this on lock.
The chance to reveal to the court the fraud, lies and deception of the other party – the process itself prevents this. 
Your life savings – the lawyers and other key players will get al of it.
Not to mention your peace of mind, self worth and trust in almost everyone…say bye bye to these too.
Why am I so sure you would suffer losses?
Because it’s not the end result of your case that causes the most harm to litigants,it’s the FC experience itself. The FC process, which includes the laws, the court, the judge, the lawyers etc. is a smorgasbord of “issues”. Between the dysfunction, the corruption, the bias and the greed, you don’t stand a chance…or your own that is. And to make matters worse, you’re forced to fight all of them at once all while trying to protect your children at the same time. 
This is an almost impossible feat, because every key player in FC has their own (hidden) agenda and let me tell you, none of it has anything to do with doing what’s best for your children.
So how can I help you then?
Well, I know things you dont know. But thats not it, i know truths that NO OTHER LAWYER will tell you…EVER. And because I am not YOUR lawyer I have no hidden agenda. It doesnt natter to me how long your case drags on or how much conflict is involved the cost of my services don’t vary based on any of this.
I can’t guarantee you a specific outcome in your case, NO ONE can. But i can certainly reveal those hidden agendas that none of them wants revealed. I can help you understand exactly what is going on and we can work together on how to use this info to your advantage. The system isnt changing any time soon, lets be honest. But with my help you can learn to “beat” it instead of it beating you. It’s really hard to rebound form a FC beating, trust me some never do, so let me help you avoid that.
What exactly will I help you accomplish? 
Whether you are pro se (self-represented) or ProActive (Lawyer represented), I can help you avoid some of the losses I mentioned. 
Knowing the insider tips I know will definitely help you navigate the corruption, the bias, the prejudice and the dysfunction successfully so that:
* your children have a fighting chance. You won’t feel defeated anymore, or hopeless or guilty, for not doing everything you could have done to protect your family. No, once we work together you
* won’t let the OPs threat of more court intimidate you anymore,
*Wil know how to get the court to actually impose consequence when there are violations;
*will understand when to take a different route than court seek the courts help or when to take different routes to 
*won’t let attorneys convince you to spend your life savings when you can do things yourself you that you need their help
*will learn to position your case to get the outcome you want more frequently 
*won’t lose sight of the issues that matter most to the court 
*will be in a position to choose the best third parties or key players to help present 
*make stronger legal arguments that actually Persuade the judge 
*will save time, money and stress by being more strategic at every step of the process.
Suppose I still experience some of these losses, will you refund me?
As I stated, no one can make you any guarantee in FC because of the multitude of variables. But I can assure you that once you work with me (ideally for a straight 3 month period) your ENTIRE FC experience will shift. Your hope will be restored, your confidence rebuilt and you will become empowered. And once these changes occur, the overall outcome will too.
If your experience doesn’t improve from working with me for at least 30 days straight, I will work with you for an additional month or until we reach one of we goals you set at the start of working relationship.

Prepare your Case the "right" way.

Family Court litigants think they are prepared until they realize they are not and that's usually when it's too late. The earlier you start the better your experience. 

Start Here!

Decide Before your journey starts.

Gathering necessary information and collecting potential evidence the right way can have a bigger impact on your case than anything else. Knowing how to is key. 

Start Here

Present Your "Best" Evidence.

Choosing which evidence to show the court to prove your case and knowing HOW to use it to persuade the judge  are often a difficult challenges in Family Court. You will only get once chance to do either, make it matter when it matters.

Start Here!

Make Relevant & Persuasive Legal Arguments.

Family Court litigants often ask "how do I convince the judge to get him/her to rule in my favor?".  The judge has a short time to choose who to believe. Knowing exactly what to say and when to say it are some tactics to persuade them.  

Start Here!

Protect Your Children, Your Assets & Your Rights.

Your children, your family and your future are counting on you do what is best for you all. The court isn't going to, so it's all up to you. Making informed decisions are a must.  

Start Here!

Creating a Solid Gameplan for Success.

Having a solid Gameplan is the secret sauce to Family Court success. Knowing the odds, accepting the truths and making informed decisions based on all of these are critical parts of a solid Gameplan. 

Start Here!

Hello there, I’m Tracey Bee

I am Tracey Bee, Family Court Strategist™, former family law attorney with more than 20 years experience in the field.  I have represented thousands in their divorce and custody cases  throughout my professional career.  I also served as a Guardian ad Litem in some of those cases. But now I help people like YOU fighting the dysfunctional Family Court system using everything I have learned in my professional life as well as my personal journey.

I am a background in mental health (my career path before becoming a lawyer), am a certified mediator, trained Parent Coordinator, NLP trained and am always working on other certifications, trainings, etc. that helps me to grow as a strategist/coach. 

Family Court wreaks havoc on every aspect of your life

Family Court litigants have the some of the same complaints, whether they are pro se or lawyer represented. 

👎🏽The judges don’t listen to your concerns;

👎🏽The judges believes the lies told by the other party;

👎🏽The judges don’t apply the laws the way they’re supposed to;

👎🏽The judges are unreasonably biased against you;

👎🏽The judges always side with the lawyers or other key players;

👎🏽Lawyers only want your money;

👎🏽Lawyers are unethical and unprofessional;

👎🏽Lawyers are disappointing and disgraceful;

👎🏽The false allegations are never proven but the court believes them;

👎🏽The court rules are always so confusing;

👎🏽The process takes so unnecessarily long;

👎🏽Everybody in the system seems to have their own agenda;

👎🏽No one cares about the children’s well-being or safety;

👎🏽There is lots of corruption in FC;

👎🏽The system is  extremely flawed;

…….the list is endless.

Does this sound like your situation? If so, it’s time to take charge of your fate and your family’s fate. Learn the TRUTH about the Family Court system and how to use those truths to your advantage.

You do what you can with what you have and what you know to  create a solid Gameplan that covers all bases.  Plotting your every move will leave little room for the most common mistakes people like you make. 

Our Services:

Our services can help you understand the confusing legal process, navigate the the complex court system and present your case in the best way possible to get the outcome you want. Although ideal for the self-represented, what we offer is extremely beneficial to lawyer-represented as well. 

Let us use our proven effective A.D.V.O.C.A.T.E.™ Method to help you successfully navigate your way through the tormenting process.

Learn about the THREE WAYS we can help you in your divorce or custody case:

1 on 1 Coaching & Consulting

If you are just getting started, have already been to court, have an attorney, thinking about hiring an attorney or are disapppointed with your current attorney this is the perfect one for you. We will help you look at EVERY SINGLE aspect of your case to help you figure out the best direction to go. You don't need to waste your time and money or get more frustrated or be blindsided by the lies, fraud or deception. Let us help you NOW before things get out of control.
CHOOSE the 1, 3 or 6 month package based on how much help you need.
Rates start at $1,695.
NOTE: No legal advice given.

Family Court Trial Preparation

If your divorce or custody case is heading to trial (or hearing) and you need help to ensure that you present the best case to get the outcome you want then this is for you. We help you with organizing your evidence, getting critical information from the other party or third parties, understanding the court rules of procedure, revealing the lies of the other party and their witnesses and so much more. If your case involves any kind of abuse (including narcissistic), parental alienation or any other high conflict issues we can help prove your case at trial.
CHOOSE Evidence Preparation, Discovery Preparation or Trial Preparation based on where you need the most help.
Rates start at $1,495.
NOTE: No legal advice given.

Divorce or Custody Strategy Sessions

If you just need to have a one time discussion to understand what you're missing in your divorce or custody case then this is for you. We can take an hour for us to talk about a court document you have, or to understand confusing court rules or to get insight on the games your lawyer or the other party's lawyer is playing or to find out how to find out who your judge is and what their stance is on a specific issue that is relevant to your case. NOTE: Having a one hour strategy session is helpful if you are considering working with us on one of the other services.
Rates start at $250.
NOTE: No legal advice given.

Family Court Consulting

Why should you work with us instead of (or in addition to) an attorney?

If you are new to Family Court or you have been caught up in this nightmare for years, let me let you in a some secrets…they are all lying to you. You think the other party is the enemy…well you don’t have a clue.  Family Court will kill every thing good you have in your life. There is so much greed, corruption, dysfunction that no matter what you do you can’t “win”. No one wins.  But…but…you can certainly keep your money and your sanity throughout the process. You shouldn’t focus your energy on things you can’t control, that is the system. But you can control how you use the system. And that’s what we help with.

We have helped hundreds, almost meeting the thousands mark, get through the MOST CHALLENGING experience of their lives.  Family Court will have you feeling abused, disgraced, helpless, hopeless, terrified, disgusted…the list is way too long.  We understand all of this.  That’s why we work with you on the things that cause you to feel this way.  From the time you appear for your first appearance to your case ends, we help you at every turn, whatever it takes.

Our process can’t guarantee you a specific outcome (NO ONE CAN). But we can assure you that we will spare you from wasting thousands of dollars, save you from shedding endless tears and help you maintain your dignity, hope and sanity in the process.

With our services you will:

What Past Client's Have to Say

One thing I teach my client is to question EVERYTHING, or most things. So don’t take my word for how my unique methods help so many people like  you. Read for yourself. 

Kevin H.
Kevin H.
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"I would not have been able to get through this corrupt system without Tracey's help. The lies, deceit, manipulation are things I'm used to but her help definitely got me through it."
Anthony U.
Anthony U.
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"...You truly are doing the Lord's work..."
Cassandra J.
Cassandra J.
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"I went to court seeking sole custody and everybody told me it wouldn't happen. I took what I learned from Tracey B. and got it. I got sole custody."

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