The Benefits of Working with a Divorce Consultant for a Peaceful Separation

Benefits of Working with a Divorce Consultant: Divorce is often associated with high stress, legal battles, and emotional upheaval, but it doesn’t always have to be this way. By working with a divorce consultant, individuals can experience a more peaceful, informed, and manageable separation. A divorce consultant is a professional who offers guidance, emotional support, […]
Divorce Strategist vs. Divorce Lawyer: Understanding the Key Differences

Divorce Strategist vs. Divorce Lawyer: In order to help people navigate the legal and mental processes and overcome the challenges of divorce, specialists are crucial. It is a difficult event that can be financially and emotionally taxing. Numerous individuals have to deal with the difficult decision whether or not to work with a divorce consultant or […]
Use Your Appearances as Part of Your Strategy, Part Two: The Family Court Status Conference
Last week I started a 3-part series on incorporating strategy in Family Court appearances. The goal is to show you how having a solid game plan enables you to position your case advantageously. Last week I focused on the first court appearance in custody or divorce, the Initial Conference. This week’s focus is on using […]
Use Your Family Court Appearances as Part of Your Strategy, Part One: The Initial Conference

Once a divorce or custody case starts in Family Court there is usually a process in court. Unless the parties agree and filing the papers is just a formality, every case is set to proceed down the same path. The objective of that path is to facilitate the process by identifying issues, resolving issues, and […]
When Your Attorney Withdraws from Your Custody Case

I am always approached by individuals who are forced to be pro se because their attorney withdrew from the custody case. Attorneys usually withdraw for failure to pay, but also withdraw for other reasons that have nothing to do with money. A client that makes it impossible to represent them, who constantly refuses to cooperate, […]
Pandemic Parenting: Covid Impacts on Co-parenting, Custody, Visitation

So many people have been asking about pandemic parenting, co-parenting, custody, or visitation. The real issues arise when one of the parties, or child, comes up with a positive test result. Up until recently the thought of positive test results for many, especially children, was illusive. But now with these new variants, that’s more of […]
Are there Mother States in Child Custody

A lot of people are under the impression that some states are “mother states” or states that prefer mothers over fathers in custody matters. This point of view infers that there are also “father states” where fathers are favored. These terms really annoy me because there are way too many factors that go into a […]
Long-Distance Co-Parenting
Co-parenting can be challenging when both parents live within the same state or certain distance of each other. However, during long-distance co-parenting, it can complicate things ever more so. Particularly when the parties have joint custody, mainly joint legal, it can cause major problems with enforcement. Co-parenting Agreements or parenting plans for long-distance parents usually […]
Best Interests of the Child Custody Each State
Each state has some sort of guidelines when it comes to deciding the best interests of the child custody. The best interests of the child is the standard courts use to determine custody & visitation. Even though these standards follow basic principles across all states, the factors used to make this determination varies from state […]
Trailing Spouse and Divorce
Up until recently, with Covid-19, people had to physically go where the job or career opportunities were plentiful. (Since Covid-19 the need to physically move has stalled with the influx of the work at home options). And although, women are increasingly becoming the breadwinner in marriages, they still outnumber men when it comes to following […]