How to Handle Perjury in Divorce Cases When Your Ex Lies in Court

Perjury in Divorce Cases: Going through a divorce is a stressful and emotionally challenging experience. It becomes even more complicated when your ex-partner lies under oath, which is considered perjury. False statements can distort the truth, leading to unjust rulings on child custody, alimony, and property division. Understanding how to handle perjury in a divorce […]
Understanding Perjury in Divorce Cases and Its Legal Ramifications

Perjury in Divorce Cases: Divorce cases are often emotionally charged and complex, as they involve deeply personal matters such as child custody, spousal support, and the division of assets. When the stakes are high, parties might be tempted to distort the truth to gain an upper hand. This is where the issue of perjury comes […]
Interview with a Divorce Strategist: Expert Advice and Insights

Divorce Strategist: If ever there is a time when professional advice could help, Divorce Strategist may be one of the most difficult times in one’s life, highly emotional, financially confusing, and a legal quagmire. Just recently, we had the opportunity to talk with an eminent divorce strategist who had been able to help most who […]
Use Your Appearances as Part of Your Strategy, Part Two: The Family Court Status Conference
Last week I started a 3-part series on incorporating strategy in Family Court appearances. The goal is to show you how having a solid game plan enables you to position your case advantageously. Last week I focused on the first court appearance in custody or divorce, the Initial Conference. This week’s focus is on using […]
Use Your Family Court Appearances as Part of Your Strategy, Part One: The Initial Conference

Once a divorce or custody case starts in Family Court there is usually a process in court. Unless the parties agree and filing the papers is just a formality, every case is set to proceed down the same path. The objective of that path is to facilitate the process by identifying issues, resolving issues, and […]
When Your Attorney Withdraws from Your Custody Case

I am always approached by individuals who are forced to be pro se because their attorney withdrew from the custody case. Attorneys usually withdraw for failure to pay, but also withdraw for other reasons that have nothing to do with money. A client that makes it impossible to represent them, who constantly refuses to cooperate, […]
Pandemic Parenting: Covid Impacts on Co-parenting, Custody, Visitation

So many people have been asking about pandemic parenting, co-parenting, custody, or visitation. The real issues arise when one of the parties, or child, comes up with a positive test result. Up until recently the thought of positive test results for many, especially children, was illusive. But now with these new variants, that’s more of […]
Should You File First in your Custody or Divorce Matter?

Most cases in court starts with the filing of a Petition or Complaint by the person who wishes to sue another. Child custody or divorce matter are no different, the initial document is the document that gets the case started. Either party, husband or wife, mother or father, can initiate the case based on their […]