Family Court is about Law Strategy!

Hello! I’m Tracey Bee,
Pro Se Family Court Strategist and Pro Se Advocate, with 20+ years experience in family law.
Where did I start?
I practiced in Family Court for decades representing families in custody, relocation, modification, contempt, and high conflict divorces. I worked as a Guardian ad Litem, mediator and lawyer in several hundred cases throughout my career. After years of working with parties in Family Court I got to understand the real issues that prevent them from getting the outcomes they expect. And although I was successful in getting the best decisions/rulings for me, they seldom satisfied my clients. I went from practicing law to becoming the only Pro Se Family Court Strategist that exists.
How did I get here?
I decided to take a different approach to helping those dealing with Family Court. After taking years off to raise my son and to deal with a series of losses, I decided I needed to do something much more fulfilling with my life. I took time to get to know EXACTLY what people needed to feel like they made some headway in the dysfunctional Family Court system. So now instead of limiting my focus to the law, I am able to look at the client’s case from a holistic approach. I can focus on the practical and the tactical while in the purview of the law. My work understands that the practical overlaps with the legal…which helps to create a solid STRATEGY!
What can I do for you as a Pro Se Family Court Strategist ?
You have other options now! NO ONE else is offering the services I provide, particularly with the professional background I have. My unique skills, extensive experience and my fierce dedication make you destined to “win”. Take control of your case and work with me to finally get what you deserve. I am not a divorce or custody coach guiding people through the process based off my own personal experience with Family Court. I have professional experience that I use help you create a Gameplan specifically for YOU.
Why should you work with me?
Because you owe to yourself and your family. Working with a lawyer is not the only option anymore. You have a 20% chance of getting the results you want working with just an attorney. They have their own agenda. I, on the other hand, have nothing to gain from dragging your case on, I don’t owe any judges a favor nor do I have exorbitant overhead expenses that forces me to take on more than I can handle. My client interests are MY PRIORITY.
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